International Food Sample Festival Tickets On Sale Now!

Event FlyerGet Your Tickets to the International Food Sample Festival!

The 2017 International Food Sample Festival will be July 19 from 11:30am – 1:30pm in Madison Auditorium. The food will include: Peruvian chicken, fried yucca, samosas, falafel, chicken biryani, eggplant spread, chicken kabob, vegetarian sushi, pie and ice cream, and more!

Pre-sale tickets for members of participating affinity groups will be available June 26-July 7. Contact one of our ticket sellers, Jennifer Fritz, David Fox, or Yaira Resto. Pre-Sale Prices for Members: 5 for $5 and 10 for $10.

General ticket sales will be available July 10-14. Please see any group’s ticket sellers or look for us by the cafeteria July 11-13. Regular Prices After Jul 7: 1 for $2; 4 for $5; 8 for $10; 10 for $12.

Bengali New Year and Cultural Program

Event flyerGood Morning and Happy Bengali new year! Hope you can join us for luncheon and  short cultural program (Dance & Music) on April 19th at the Madison lower atrium from 11.30AM-1PM to celebrate Bengali new year.

Tickets are $10. Please let us know if you need ticket, one of us will stop by. You can also buy tickets online at Menu and other information can be found on the flyer.

Hope to see you there,

Mohammed Shahan Rahaman Bengali New Year Event coordinator & Vice President, BANGLADESHI-AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (BAIPO)

A minute of silence for Orlando

multi colored candlesJoin us on Tuesday June 14th at 2:45 PM on the front steps of the Madison Building, as we observe a minute of silence to remember the victims of the Orlando shooting and their families. Bismarck Myrick, Director of EEOD and Jim Alstrum-Acevedo, Vice-President of SHPE join us in support. We will follow by a reading of names and singing the National Anthem together. The event will also be streamed live online for those not present on campus.

Learn to Tango!

Click to flyerIntro to Argentine Tango + Practica

Monday May 16th, 2016 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm
USPTO Madison Auditorium

Curious about tango? Think you can’t dance? If you can walk, you can tango. Come check out a free tango lesson where you learn from one of DC’s most sought after dancers-Gabriel Medeiros of Tango Mercurio. No partner is required as exercises are group based. Also find out the best (and free) places to discover the Argentine Tango scene in the DC metro area. Snacks will be provided!

Argentine Tango has a special history of usurping the traditional dance roles of ‘leader’ and ‘follower’ and their corresponding gender associations.  Even from its early days in the salons in Buenos Aires, men spent most of their time practicing as ‘followers’ with other men before they earned the rare privilege to dance with women.  Today, top tango stars include acclaimed same-sex dance couple Martin Maldonado and Maurizio Ghella, who tour internationally as teachers and performers, and whose mastery of the dance and commitment to improvisation leaves traditional lead/follow role restrictions in the dust.  Many dance communities offer classes that encourage gender neutral ‘open roles’ in which students work on both leading and following roles.  For example local school Tango Mercurio offers a ‘Leading Ladies’ workshop which teaches women how to lead the dance, and an ‘Abrozo’ workshop which teaches men follower techniques.  These classes ensure people can experience all areas of the dance outside of traditional gender role restrictions and serve a practical purpose in expanding one’s options for potential partners at any given milonga, or dance.

5:00-5:30pm Welcome and Intro – Tango Origins & Modern Tango. Buenos Aires: Tango Orchestras and the Golden Age. Tango Nuevo/Alternative tango. Brief Demo, Modern Tango Structure & Etiquette. Cabeceo, line of dance, improvisation, leading/following: invite/accept. Tango in our Area: Capital Tangueros Google Calendar, terminology: practica vs. milonga; festivals. Beginner-friendly local tango events: MLK library Practica (free), Eastern Market, Pablo’s Practica, Tango Mercurio.

5:30-6:30pm Beginner’s Lesson: The Walking Dance – Walking with the music, partner weight changes, moving in the line of dance, pausing techniques, walking to the cross.

6:30-8:30pm Practica: Open to all dancing to DJ’d music for anyone who wants to practice, with instructors available for guidance; asking and assisting others is encouraged.

Around Campus: Bengali New Year Celebration

BAIPOflyerThe Bangladeshi-American Intellectual Property Organization (BAIPO) is celebrating its Pohela Boishakh, the Bengali New Year, on April 22nd (Friday)  from 7.00PM-10.30PM @ Madison Auditorium. The event features cultural program, fashion show and dinner. Last year a number of Affinity Group Leaders joined us in the celebration. We are sincerely requesting the same support from you this year.

Tickets are on sale now (cutoff date 04/18/2016). See flyer for more details.



Get to Know the USPTO: Networking Event & Happy Hour

Event FlyerThe Leadership & Innovation Network in Commerce (LINC) will host “Get to Know the USPTO,” a Department of Commerce (DOC)-wide networking event, Wednesday, March 2 from 2 – 4 p.m. Participants will start their overview and tour in Madison West Room 207, and a happy hour will follow at Zikrayet at 2600 Eisenhower Avenue sponsored by the Supervisory Patent Examiners and Classifiers Organization (SPECO).

This is a great opportunity for USPTO employees to come and connect with our colleagues from across Commerce to share development opportunities, collaborative problem solving ideas, and best practices. It’s also a great opportunity for you to let others know about your affinity group here at the USPTO.

The LINC “Get to Know” series is designed to introduce DOC’s inner agencies to each other. LINC is a network of like-minded, action-oriented Commerce employees who engage across bureaus, innovate, and lead, to enhance the DOC workplace and contribute to operational excellence. For more information visit LINC contact Amber Ostrup, Laura Kahn, or Maryam Ipakchi.

USPTO NEW and WiSE joint event

wiseThe Network of Executive Women (NEW)
and Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
Present:  Outstanding Women in IP What I Know Now that I Wish I Knew Then
Madison Auditorium
Wednesday, November 18th, 3:00pm-4:30pm
Reception/Cash Bar to Follow

To register, visit:

Please join us for the first collaboration event between the USPTO Network of Executive Women and USPTO’s Women in Science and Engineering as we host a panel discussion with four of the top women in the IP field today! Michelle Lee, the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office; Chief Judge Sharon Prost of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; Lisa Jorgenson, the Executive Director of the American Intellectual Property Law Association; and Erika Arner, partner at Finnegan will talk informally about what they know now that they perhaps wished they had known coming up in the ranks throughout their impressive careers.

Opening Welcome – Sarah Harris, NEW Chair
Introduction of Panel – Janet Gongola, NEW Program Director
Q&A, Moderated by Wynn Coggins, NEW Vice Chair
Questions from the Audience
Closing – Sarah Al-Hashimi, WiSE President