Night OUT at the Nationals

Washington's Gay Sports Connection. Team DC

Hello Nats Fans! This year’s Team DC Night OUT at the Nationals takes place on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, when the Washington Nationals take on the Chicago White Sox at Nationals Park.  Pre-game activities will begin at 5 PM, and game time is 7:10 PM. This will be the 15th Anniversary game and we will definitely have some special events as a result.

We’d love for your group to join us this year either as an “All Star Partner” (ASP), or as one our smaller groups, so we can help promote your brand/organization at the event you’ve helped us build as one of the largest LGBTQ events in professional sports.

Attached is a sheet explaining the benefits of being an ASP. Cost savings, convenience, the chance to go on to the field for pre-game activities, etc. Something new this year is that everyone who purchases a ticket to the Night OUT at the Nationals through Team DC or through our special online link will receive a 2019 Night OUT shirt featuring the Washington Nationals official logo.

Don’t worry though if you aren’t a 50+ group. We will still work with you and make sure we take care of your group as best we can with regard to ticket pricing, seating, etc.

If interested, please email Lambda PTO for more information. Go Nats!

International Food Sample Festival (IFS)

Event Flyer

Get your tickets now for the 2018 International Food Sample Festival, which will be held Wednesday, July 18, from 11:30 a.m. until no food remains, in Madison Auditorium. Choices will include: Peruvian chicken, fried yucca, samosas, falafel, chicken biryani, eggplant spread, chicken kabob, vegetarian sushi, pie, ice cream, and more.

Pre-sale tickets (5 for $5 and 10 for $10) for members of participating affinity groups will be available June 25 – July 6. Group sellers are listed below

General ticket sales (1 for $2; 4 for $5; 8 for $10; 10 for $12) will run July 9 – 17. Please see any group’s ticket sellers or look for a seller near the cafeteria July 11, 12, 16, and 17.
No Other Time is authorized for this event. For more information, contact Schquita Goodwin at 571-272-5477.

Your Lambda Ticket Sellers:

  • Jen Fritz, 571-272-7149, Madison East Building, Room 07B79
  • Leslee Friedman, 571-272-5278, Madison East Building, Room 05C03
  • Lee Fineman, 571-272-2313, Jefferson Building, Room 08A65
  • Amando Carigo, 571-272-5351, Randolph Building, Room 00B72
  • Yaira Resto, 571-272-0304, Madison East Building, Room 04D64

USA Science and Engineering Festival, Volunteer Opportunities Available!

The USPTO will host Booth 1353 at the 2018 USA Science and Engineering Festival and there are opportunities to help provide patent and trademark information and engaging hands-on activities for children and families attending the festival.   We hope you will join Team USPTO!  Available shifts are provided below in increments of 2-hours.  The Education and Outreach Office is coordinating the USPTO presence at the Festival and will provide a short training on the activities and general information to be provided at the USPTO booth.  Inventor trading cards! Race to the USPTO! It promises to be tons of fun.

The USA Science and Engineering Festival is held every two years and provides opportunities for participants to explore 3,000 hands-on exhibits from the world’s leading scientific and engineering societies, universities, government agencies, high-tech corporations and STEM organizations. Join us in reaching out to over 350K+ attendees and help celebrate USPTO’s role in innovation, invention and intellectual property.

*No “other time” will be offered for this event.

Friday, April 6 – Sneak Peek Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm
Saturday, April 7 –EXPO   10:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday, April 8   – EXPO    10:00am – 4:00pm

Walter E. Washington Convention Center

Kathy Hoppe  or  Christopher Dolce

WOMEN ON THE RISE A Leadership Dialogue

Event flyerTuesday, March 20, 2018, 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Main Auditorium. Federal employees and contractors are invited to join an exciting and dynamic afternoon with high-level women across government to hear about leadership, learning, and life-long lessons. Both men and women are encouraged to attend.

  • Learn about career navigation strategies, taking smart risks, failure and recovery, resiliency, what keeps leaders up at night, the importance of mentorship and giving back, how we can all support each other, advice for the next generation of leaders, and making the U.S. government a rewarding place to work for both women and men.
  • Participate in interagency networking and make professional associations among fellow federal government colleagues.
    Hear from high-level speakers on their personal journey
    to leadership.
  • Discuss how to inspire the younger generation to pursue government fields and reach more underrepresented individuals including women and girls.
    View the USPTO display for Women’s History Month on the Female Inventors Hall of Fame, located on the level immediately above the event.
  • This event is co-hosted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s Network of Executive Women and Women in Science and Engineering, and POWER, the U.S. Department of Energy’s employee resource group.
  • To register, visit

Dining Out For Life 2018

Dining Out For Life Logo. Dine Out, Fight AIDS.

This international event held in over 60 cities raises critical funds to support the missions of outstanding HIV/AIDS service organizations throughout North America. Each year, approximately 75 restaurants throughout the greater DC area will donate 25%-110% of proceeds to Food & Friends.

This year Lambda PTO will gather at Bombay Curry Company on April 12, 2018, at 5:30 PM. If you’d like to be included in the reservation, RSVP here by April 1st so that we may save you a seat at our table. If you can’t attend with the group, there are many participating locations in the DC area.  For more information about our restaurant pick, go to Me In!

4th Annual Interagency STEM Volunteer Fair

Event FlyerSee how you can give back this holiday season! The US Department of Veterans Affairs, The USPTO, The Department of Homeland Security, The Department of Energy, the Department of State and the US Environmental Protection Agency join forces at the 4th Annual Interagency STEM Volunteer Fair. December 20, 2017
11:00 am –2:00 pm at the Department of Energy Cafeteria, 1000 Independence Ave, SW. Meet STEM organizations and schools in the greater Washington, D.C. area that need your help. Register today