Night OUT at the Nationals

Washington's Gay Sports Connection. Team DC

Hello Nats Fans! This year’s Team DC Night OUT at the Nationals takes place on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, when the Washington Nationals take on the Chicago White Sox at Nationals Park.  Pre-game activities will begin at 5 PM, and game time is 7:10 PM. This will be the 15th Anniversary game and we will definitely have some special events as a result.

We’d love for your group to join us this year either as an “All Star Partner” (ASP), or as one our smaller groups, so we can help promote your brand/organization at the event you’ve helped us build as one of the largest LGBTQ events in professional sports.

Attached is a sheet explaining the benefits of being an ASP. Cost savings, convenience, the chance to go on to the field for pre-game activities, etc. Something new this year is that everyone who purchases a ticket to the Night OUT at the Nationals through Team DC or through our special online link will receive a 2019 Night OUT shirt featuring the Washington Nationals official logo.

Don’t worry though if you aren’t a 50+ group. We will still work with you and make sure we take care of your group as best we can with regard to ticket pricing, seating, etc.

If interested, please email Lambda PTO for more information. Go Nats!

From our friends at Pride in Federal Service

  1. Washington, D.C. is observing a month-long celebration of transgender and non-binary communities under an initiative called May is? All About Trans – 31 days of living, loving and being Trans! Capital Trans Pride is May 18 and 19 in Washington, D.C.
  2. The American Alliance of Museums LGBTQ Alliance’s Task Force for Transgender Inclusion announces Gender Transition and Transgender Inclusion in the Museum Workplace: A Toolkit for Trans Individuals, Institutions, and Coworkers. This expansive set of guides approaches Trans inclusion from various perspectives in an approachable and easy-to-understand format. You can download the toolkit today.
  3. 2019 LGBTQ+ important dates and events:
  4. International Transgender Day of Visibility — Sunday, March 31, 2019, dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide.
  5. Day of Silence — Friday, April 12, 2019
  6. Harvey Milk Day — Wednesday, May 22, 2018 — Celebration of being a member of the LGBT Community in public service
  7. First Case of AIDS reported by CDC on June 5, 1981 — Wednesday, June 5, 2019 (38th-anniversary commemoration)
  8. Capital Pride Parade — Saturday, June 8, 2019 (Pride in Federal Service will be participating – Contact Mike Bernardo at to join the PFS contingent)
  9. 50th Commemoration of Stonewall Uprising — Friday, June 28, 2019, Stonewall Inn, located at Christopher Street and Waverly Place, NYC)
  10. LGBT Pride Month 2019  NYC LGBT Pride March — Sunday, June 30, 2019,/ World Pride in New York City 
  11. Bisexuality Day 2019 — Monday, September 23, 2019
  12. LGBT Ally Week 2019 — Monday, Sept. 23 to Friday, Sept. 27, 2019
  13. LGBT History Month — Tuesday, Oct. 1 to Thursday, October 31, 2019
  14. Anti-Bullying Day — Tuesday, October 1, 2019
  15. Transgender Day of Remembrance — Wednesday, November 20, 2019
  16. UN Human Rights Day 2019 — Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tango Mercurio Offering ‘Queer Tango’ Classes in DC

Queering Tango: An Exploration
This course for advanced, beginner or intermediate students will combine instruction on fundamental tango vocabulary and technique with discussion and exploration of the assumptions we make about gender, masculinity, and femininity–and how that might affect our dancing and our interactions with others. Students will be invited to experiment with both roles and reflect on their experiences.

More information at

A Vigil Against Violence, hosted by Jerry Blackmon

On Sunday, April 14, 2018, a cowardly act of violence struck deep into the heart of our community. Two gay men were viciously attacked in full view of cameras, witnesses and passers-by who felt posting to Twitter was more important than stopping an assault that left one of them lying in U Street unconscious, and the other bloodied nearby with a busted nose. I’m sure everyone has seen that horrific video.

It is 2018. We will not stand for this. We have had enough.

This candlelit Vigil Against Violence is a visible expression of solidarity with the two members of our community who were viciously attacked near Dirty Goose this weekend, the two others who were similarly assaulted two weeks ago outside Town.

We will assemble at Stead Park Thursday night at 8:30 and the event will begin as soon as the final game has ended, around 9 p.m.

This is the first of a series of events that will, in fact, be what I’m calling a “Muscular Response” to end this violence once and for all. Tonight we’re solemn. Tomorrow, we march.

Candles and ASL interpretation, of course, will be provided.

Kristina Kelly, emcee

USA Science and Engineering Festival, Volunteer Opportunities Available!

The USPTO will host Booth 1353 at the 2018 USA Science and Engineering Festival and there are opportunities to help provide patent and trademark information and engaging hands-on activities for children and families attending the festival.   We hope you will join Team USPTO!  Available shifts are provided below in increments of 2-hours.  The Education and Outreach Office is coordinating the USPTO presence at the Festival and will provide a short training on the activities and general information to be provided at the USPTO booth.  Inventor trading cards! Race to the USPTO! It promises to be tons of fun.

The USA Science and Engineering Festival is held every two years and provides opportunities for participants to explore 3,000 hands-on exhibits from the world’s leading scientific and engineering societies, universities, government agencies, high-tech corporations and STEM organizations. Join us in reaching out to over 350K+ attendees and help celebrate USPTO’s role in innovation, invention and intellectual property.

*No “other time” will be offered for this event.

Friday, April 6 – Sneak Peek Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm
Saturday, April 7 –EXPO   10:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday, April 8   – EXPO    10:00am – 4:00pm

Walter E. Washington Convention Center

Kathy Hoppe  or  Christopher Dolce

4th Annual Interagency STEM Volunteer Fair

Event FlyerSee how you can give back this holiday season! The US Department of Veterans Affairs, The USPTO, The Department of Homeland Security, The Department of Energy, the Department of State and the US Environmental Protection Agency join forces at the 4th Annual Interagency STEM Volunteer Fair. December 20, 2017
11:00 am –2:00 pm at the Department of Energy Cafeteria, 1000 Independence Ave, SW. Meet STEM organizations and schools in the greater Washington, D.C. area that need your help. Register today

LGBTQI People with Disabilities Meetup

A triangle made up of rainbow colors with the symbol of a person in a wheelchair10/13/2017
8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The DC Center

The LGBTQI People with Disabilities Meetup seeks to support, educate, empower and create change for pwd. Discussion would include but not limited to:

* Common intersections between LGBTQIA/ disability.
* Dating/ relationship perspectives
* Creating access/ breaking down barriers in public spaces for LGBTQ PWD’s .

The group facilitator will be Actor/ Disability Advocate Andy Arias – queries can be sent to

Meetings are every second Friday of each month starting at 8:00PM-9:00PM.

Federal GLOBE Happy Hour Canceled for July

Federal Globe logoDue to the July 4th Holiday and other extenuating circumstances, the Federal GLOBE monthly Networking Happy Hour for July is cancelled.

Please join Federal GLOBE for its next monthly Networking Happy Hour on Thursday, August 3, 2017, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Cobalt.

This event offers a great opportunity to network and socialize with other LGBT Federal employees.  Please help us spread the word; tell your colleagues or bring a friend. Cobalt is conveniently located in Washington DC’s Dupont Circle neighborhood at the corner of 17th and R Streets, NW. To connect with Federal GLOBE on Facebook, use the following link to request membership on the Federal GLOBE group page.

LGBTQIA People with Disabilities Meeting in DC

A triangle made up of rainbow colors with the symbol of a person in a wheelchairThis is a new group being introduced targeting people with disabilities (PWD). It seeks to support, educate, empower and create change for PWD. Discussion would include but not limited to:

  • Common intersections between LGBTQIA/ disability.
  • Dating/ relationship perspectives
  • Creating access/ breaking down barriers in public spaces for LGBTQ PWD’s .

The group facilitator will be Actor/ Disability Advocate Andy Arias – queries can be sent to andyarias09 at
Meetings are every second Friday of each month.

Date – 03/10/2017 from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
The DC Center