Pride month video

photo of an old movie cameraThe office of Diversity has received a contract to produce videos for the special emphasis months and would like to complete the LGBT Pride month video by March 2016. We are looking for volunteers to appear on camera as well as ideas for content. What do you wish to convey to the PTO community about pride month and LGBT employees? This is a great opportunity to present ideas and represent our group! Anyone willing, please step forward and contact us.

3rd Annual Holiday Sweater Photo

Two men wearing red holiday themed sweatersFrom Amando Carigo to the PTO community:

Got a Holiday (some folks call it ugly) Sweater that you just gotta show off? Well let’s take a group photo of it, yeah? Feel free to pass this invitation to a colleague or bring a guest, it’s in a public area. The more, the merrier!

Thursday December 3rd, 2015 at 10 AM
In front of the Holiday Tree, Madison Building, 1st Floor

Miserable fashion enjoys good company! See you there!

USPTO NEW and WiSE joint event

wiseThe Network of Executive Women (NEW)
and Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
Present:  Outstanding Women in IP What I Know Now that I Wish I Knew Then
Madison Auditorium
Wednesday, November 18th, 3:00pm-4:30pm
Reception/Cash Bar to Follow

To register, visit:

Please join us for the first collaboration event between the USPTO Network of Executive Women and USPTO’s Women in Science and Engineering as we host a panel discussion with four of the top women in the IP field today! Michelle Lee, the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office; Chief Judge Sharon Prost of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; Lisa Jorgenson, the Executive Director of the American Intellectual Property Law Association; and Erika Arner, partner at Finnegan will talk informally about what they know now that they perhaps wished they had known coming up in the ranks throughout their impressive careers.

Opening Welcome – Sarah Harris, NEW Chair
Introduction of Panel – Janet Gongola, NEW Program Director
Q&A, Moderated by Wynn Coggins, NEW Vice Chair
Questions from the Audience
Closing – Sarah Al-Hashimi, WiSE President

BYO Pumpkin Decorating Event by WiSE

pumpkinBYOPumpkin: Thursday, 10/22 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. ET in the Knox Building, Room 10D45.

We need helpers! If you are available for set up/clean up (at 11am/until 1pm) contact WiSE

Come celebrate fall with Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE-USPTO) at the Bring Your Own Pumpkin decorating event Thursday, October 22 The event is free for members and $3 for non-members.

WiSE will provide decorating supplies, and light snacks and refreshments will be served.

RSVP by October 20! For more information contact WiSE.
Please also indicate if you need a pumpkin.

HBCU Lunch Chat

BrownPPBlunchHistorically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) have provided a foundation for achievement and have been a source of immeasurable pride for the African American community for over 150 years.  The achievement and pride have grown to extend beyond the African American community and beyond U.S. borders.

Section 322(2) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, defines an HBCU as: “…any historically black college or university that was established prior to 1964, whose principal mission was, and is, the education of black Americans, and that is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association determined by the Secretary to be a reliable authority as to the quality of training offered or is, according to such an agency or association, making reasonable progress toward accreditation ….”

HBCUs offer all students, regardless of race, young and old alike, an opportunity to grow and to hone their skills and talents.  HBCU students and graduates continue to achieve in an array of professions in both the public and private sectors, domestically and internationally.

If you are a student or an alumnus/alumna of an HBCU, this lunch hour is all about you and your school and to acknowledge the countless contributions these institutions and their alumni have made to the USPTO and around the world.  Please bring your lunch, and come celebrate annual HBCU Week (September) and also celebrate the end of the fiscal year.

When: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Time:  1 p.m.
Where:  Jefferson Conference Center – 1st Floor

Feel free to wear your HBCU paraphernalia or colors! All are welcome!

RSVP here with your name and your alma mater or current school.

Meet and Greet Director Lee

Photo of a greeting hand“Any employee on campus Thursday, Sept 10 is encouraged to drop by a “meet-and-greet” session with USPTO Director Michelle K. Lee. The session will take place from 10 – 10:30 a.m. in the Atrium of the Madison Building, on the concourse level near Innovative Grounds.”

-USPTO Weekly

Become a Volunteer!

Please join the USPTO Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and Volunteer Alexandria for a Volunteer Fair on Thursday, August 27, 2015 from 11:30am – 1:30pm in the Madison Lower Atrium. Volunteering is a great way to enhance your leadership skills, meet new people, gain experience in new fields, and find personal fulfillment.

Participating organizations include:

Community Lodgings, Wright to Read, Alexandria Tutoring Consortium, Higher Achievement, Volunteer Alexandria, Casa Chirilagua, The Urban Alliance, Alexandria Department of Parks, Recreation, & Cultural Activities, Concerned Citizens Network Alexandria, Space of HER Own, Space of HIS Own, The Campagna Center, and RARE.

Looking for Volunteers

Chocolate_Cupcakes_with_Raspberry_ButtercreamThe International Food Sample Festival is coming by! Our theme this year is boozy cupcakes! We need a few good members to help us throw a baking party the day before and a few to volunteer and help distribute our food samples at our table.

Baking day is July 28th, and the Festival happens on Wednesday, July 29th. We need to set up at 11:00 AM, start serving from 11:30 to 1:30, then clean up ending no later than 2:00. Are you in?

Count Me In!

Invitation to the IP5 working meetings

The Office of International Patent Cooperation (OIPC) is hosting four, IP5 working group meetings in the coming months.  The IP5 is comprised of the five largest Intellectual Property Offices:  the European Patent Office (EPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China (SIPO) and the USPTO.  The IP5 Offices together handle about 80% of the world’s patent applications, and 95% of all work carried out under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

Each year, the IP5 Offices rotate to host annual working group meetings.  The purpose of these meetings it to find ways to eliminate unnecessary duplication of work among the offices, enhance the patent examination efficiency and quality, and guarantee the stability of patent rights.

The reason for our email today is to see if you and your members would be interested in volunteering to help out during any of the meetings and/or if you would like to host an event during one (or more) of our IP5 meetings.  These events can be anything that you would like to do, e.g., coffee breaks, happy hours, tea reception, etc. This is a great opportunity for our IP5 colleagues to learn more about our USPTO community and meet some of our employees. It would also provide our Affinity Group leaders and members an opportunity to meet our visiting international delegates.

Below are the schedules for the IP5 working group meetings.  All meetings are held in the USPTO, in the Global Intellectual Property Academy (GIPA).

August 17- August 20, 2015
Statistics Working Group Meeting
POC: Jane Peek
• Annual compilation of patent statistics for the five largest IP Offices

October 19 – October 23, 2015
Work Group 1 (WG1)
POC: LaChelle Carpenter-Parker
• Classification and related topics: Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)

October 26 – October 30, 2015
Work Group 3 (WG3)
POC: Amber Ostrup
• Work sharing and Quality:  Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), Collaborative Search Pilot Program

February 1 – February 5, 2016
Work Group 2 (WG2)
POC: Jessica Patterson
• IT-Supported Business Practices: Global Dossier, Priority Document Exchange

If you are interested and available, we would like to offer you an opportunity to host an event to welcome our IP5 colleagues.

Please contact Rachel Pellegrino by e-mail and the respective meeting POC if you are interested in hosting an event.